Men snore more easily than women?
Men snore more easily than women?

Men snore more easily than women? The answer to this question is yes, there is gender differences in snoring.
What do you see? Photo on the screen shows man with open mouth, while unfortunate woman covers her ears with pillows to block the sound.
On the surface, it seems to be unfounded, but in fact it is based on a certain truth.
Snoring is a noisy breathing that occurs to sleeping. Of course, snoring does not only happen to men, but women also snore, but men who snore are twice as high as women.
Let us explore the reasons together.
Male’s airway is suitable for snoring
The reason for snoring is partly due to their airway anatomy. Studies have found that there are also differences in the structure of the male airway, so not all men snore.
1. Men have more softer tissues in the throat
First of all, the vibration of the soft tissues will produce a grunt. The research shows that there are more male soft tissues (the key factor that produces snoring), so when the air passes through the narrow space, the collision of the soft tissues makes a snoring sound.
2. The position of the fauces in men is lower than in women
Secondly, male upper airways are more likely to be blocked.
The position of the male fauces is lower than that of the female, resulting in a larger space in the male throat.
Therefore, the theory explains that when men fall asleep, if their tongues fall back and fall back into that space, this is likely to block part of their airway, which will cause resonance when snoring.
Women’s fauces is higher, and their tongues completely block the passage, so that they will wake up without making them snoring.
3. Men are more likely to accumulate fat in the neck
Finally, if the fat in the neck increases, the chance of the airway collapse increases. Therefore, increasing the fat on the neck increases the risk of snoring.
And men’s fat is more likely to accumulate in the chest and neck around the respiratory tract, causing the pressure on the respiratory tract to increase, and the respiratory tract is easier to narrow, so fat people are more likely to snoring.
Snoring is related to male hormones
Various studies have studied the effect of testosterone on breathing during sleep, with a focus on sleep apnea. Although it is not yet confirmed, it is related to increasing the possibility of airway collapse and respiratory instability.
In this way, men are also very innocent of the matter of snoring.
Female hormones can prevent snoring
Male sex hormones increase the chance of snoring, while female sex hormones have a protective effect.
1. Stable breathing
Progesterone, a hormone that is particularly high during pregnancy, promotes stable breathing. This will result in an insignificant drop in airflow during sleeping and make the soft airway less likely to collapse.
2. Tongue muscle tension
Progesterone, together with another key female hormone-estrogen, enhances the contraction of key muscles of the tongue, reducing the possibility of the tongue falling back and causing blockage.
3. Menopause increases the possibility of snoring
With the rapid decline in female sex hormones during menopause, the possibility of snoring or sleep apnea increases.The incidence of snoring increases in age, but in women, menopause is the watershed between snoring and sleep apnea.
Obstructive sleep apnea is different from men and women
From life, it can be found that most of the snoring crowd are mainly men, and the proportion of women snoring is much lower than that of men.
It can also be seen from the hospital sleep monitoring that the number of males is higher than that of female patients, and the severity of the examination of males is much higher than that of females.
It is very common to men to have an AHI index higher than 30, and there are severe AHI indexes ranging from 70 to 80.
However, there are very few women with AHI index higher than 30 under the monitoring of polysomnography, and they are generally mild to moderate.
So it can be seen from here that men are not only the high-incidence sex of snoring, but the severity is much higher than that of women.
The severity of sleep apnea is measured by counting the number of apneas (apneas) or severe reductions (hypopneas).
This measurement is called the Apnea Hypopnea Index (AHI). Because women are unlikely to experience complete airway collapse, their AHI scores tend to be low.
Lastly ,
Snoring is like many dysfunctions of the body, some things are beyond our control. But we can better understand snoring and take improvement measures that suit us.
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